Saturday, July 7, 2012

Another Scorcher!

According to the National Weather Service, temperatures in the Stafford, Virginia area could reach between 103-105 degrees with the Heat Index reaching between 110-155 degrees.  Alrighty then! What does this mean to you?  Stay cool. Drink plenty of fluids. Limit your time outside. If you're one of those unfortunate households without electricity or air conditioning, go to a cooling center , mall or library. Do whatever you can to keep cool and hydrated.

As for me, I'll be following my own advice and  monitoring the temperature in our home as the day progresses. With this excessive heat, I'm always looking for ways to keep the home cool. Yesterday I placed a towel on the external portion of the kitchen window to keep the sun from "blasting" in. It worked! It'll stay there throughout this heat wave. I was also fortunate enough to purchase a couple more fans to move the cool air about. I can only hope that these two measures will assist in keeping the house cool.

Hang in there friends!
Cooler temperatures next week!

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