Monday, July 9, 2012

Missed a Day!

Hey!  What happened to Sunday?  I didn't post anything.  Does that mean that the entire day was uneventful?  By no means!  I actually spent Saturday and Sunday doing a lot of writing and editing.  On what you might ask?  Sorry.

The rain on Sunday afternoon helped to break the stifling heat wave that has gripped our part of the world. Temps on Sunday afternoon reached close to 99 if not 100 degrees!  This was followed by a storm that apparently did some severe damage to a cheerleading facility in Fredericksburg, Virginia. Luckily, no one was seriously injured. If it was not for the fast thinking of a few individuals, many deaths may have occurred.

Back to work on Monday was a welcome relief from sitting at home while the weather cooked us. The air conditioning was blasting and at times, it was a lot cooler than expected. But I'm not complaining! Don't get me wrong. I have a fleece if needed.  :-)

Bottom line, being back to work on Monday, after the storm on Sunday and after the heat wave has broken, actually felt pretty good. I hope the rest of the week will be just as comfortable.

Until later...........Stay cool and comfortable.  :-)

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