Monday, April 1, 2019

It has been a loooooong time since I last blogged. There are no specific reasons. Family. Work. Life. Friends. Travel. Weather. Who knows. Who really cares. I'm back for now.

In the background, Wheel of Fortune is on the television. They seem to have interesting guests. One thing that irritates me is the "canned" bio that I guess they are requested. I'm so and so. I'm married, dating, etc. I have so many children, ages and a pet....whatever. Get over yourselves. Viewers will forget their bios as soon as the wheel is spun for the first time and Vanna turns those letters.

That's it for now. I just wanted to get started again. IF you are a reader, comment. Let me know that you've read it. By the way, I must have violated some rule. I am not longer getting paid for the blogs that I write. I do not completely understand why. Maybe my blogs were too good?  Naw…..I don't think so. Too funny. I'll keep pursuing, just in case.

More to follow!  Laters!  Aloha!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Who Are You?

Who are you and why are you reading my blog?  Where are you reading it from? What country? While at home or at work? Have I written anything that has touched you emotionally?

These are just some of the questions I have when I see how many people have read my blog. I'm always wondering why they read it and if they think I'm as good as a writer as I think I am. I really kind of doubt that but as the old adage goes, "Practice makes perfect." 

So, if and when you have an opportunity to write something after reading my blog, let me know what you think. Look at the opening queries and answer them if you'd like.

In other news.........

Summer is coming to an end!  Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like summer! Why does it have to end so quickly? Unfortunately last week was unseasonably cool and at the beginning of this week, it's suppose to rain for a few days. We need the rain. The reservoirs need the rain. But I need the sun. I need the heat. I want the beach. I need the beach! Maybe I'll head there again soon. In the meantime, I'll keep saving my leave for that ultimate vacation. Ultimate vacation did I write? Yeah, the one that is going to cost me an arm and a leg....but then again, my wife and I seem to enjoy those vacations......a lot! 

As this week begins, I have few personal goals. I'm looking forward to hitting the road for a few miles here and there. I'm looking to complete one project at work and start another. I looking forward to a class I'm taking on Saturdays. Oh, I almost forgot. My sons and I will be attending a sporting event this weekend.  Preseason football is upon us!!

That's all for now.
Life is good.
No complaints.
Aloha my friends!  :-)

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Forever Lost

This past week, I became aware of two deaths. One local. One thousands of miles away.

The local passing of a neighbor's wife was surprising. Surprising because we ultimately heard about it through another neighbor. We have "known" our neighbors since we moved into the neighborhood in 1998. We've seen them in their yard. We've seen them going to and fro. Though we didn't have a friendship based relationship, we had a mutual respect relationship. We lived in the same neighborhood. We waved from time to time. So when I heard that his wife had passed from breast cancer. It hit me hard. I had to look up the obituary in the local online news paper. My wife picked up a condolence card and we mailed it. I'm hoping they received it today.

The other death I became aware of was a "young" lady of 52 who lived in Alaska. She was the sister of a very good friend of mine. He and I had served in the Marine Corps together. I met his sister during the summer of 1977 or 1978 when she came to Beaufort, SC with another sister. We had texted each other briefly due to my friend's bad health and his seemingly "I don't care" attitude about it. She thanked me for contacting her brother. In fact, she said that she loved me for harping on her brother about his health. I was hoping to see her again before the end of this year. Unfortunately, I will not.

I cried when I heard about my neighbor. I cried when my friend told me about his sister. I cried because all family and friends of these two ladies lost a wife, a sister, a mother, a daughter, a grandmother, an aunt, a friend.......a neighbor.

If I think about these two human losses, I tear up.
I never got to know my neighbor.
We never barbequed.
I only met my friend's sister once.
I'll never see her again.

Life is too short.
Get to know your neighbors.
Keep in contact with friends and their families.
You'll be happy that you did.

Friday, July 19, 2013

How Lucky I Am!

After a brief discussion about parents, children and grandchildren, one of my co-workers mentioned to me that I am so lucky to have my grandchildren live with my wife and I. Her parents, who live in a very northern state, hardly get to see their grandchild. After walking away, I let her comment sink in...really deep. Just the way she said it. Just the look on her face.

I have realized this before. But sometimes it takes another person to say it to really realize how lucky my wife and I are to have our grandchildren living with us.

My granddaughter is almost 9 years old. She has lived with us since she was 2 years old. Our two grandsons have lived with us since they were born. (7 and 5 years respectfully) We have seen them grow and blossom. We've been there for their first days of school. We've there for their school programs. We've been there to mend the scrapes and bruises. We've been there to comfort them. We've been there as they played sports, rode their bikes, made friends, wrote their names and even fallen asleep in our arms, so many times. In essence, our grandchildren are our children. We have helped raise them.

How lucky we are. How so very lucky!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Random Thoughts on a Saturday

Why does life seem to go by so fast? How do we slow this phenomena?

Why are we full of energy on a Monday morning but dragging by physically, emotionally and spiritually at the end of the week?

If we complete more of our weekend tasks during the week, will the weekend "seem" longer?

Why are weather people so wrong about the weather?

Why waste time on movies in the middle of the night that have no redeeming value?

Why are there penalties if you stop a cell phone or cable plan? Does it really cost that much to "flip a switch"?

Why does eBay charge so much for posting items online?

Better yet, why does PayPal take such a serious cut of your earnings?

Why don't people eat dessert first more often when they go out for dinner?

Why do people come up with random questions instead of thoughts on a Saturday morning?

Have an awesome weekend!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Another Happy New Year Post!

Have you ever noticed that many of the blogs you read have started with a "Happy New Year" post? I guess for some it's a subliminal suggestion to oneself that it's something they have started and something they may have failed to maintain and something they would like to reactivate and finally keep up with. Maybe that's the reason why I'm writing again.

So to make short order of this particular posting:
Holidays were fine.
Family is well.
Job is great!
And I'm looking forward to 2013.  :-)

New Year Resolutions:

Major plans for the Year:


As you can see, one can minimalize what they post instead of dragging on about this and that and this and that. But then again, that's how I feel today.  Tomorrow, IF I happen to feel like blogging, I could end up writing a small novel! Who knows!

But for now, this is life. Short, sweet and to the point. 

For those that follow, "Thanks"! I hope your holidays went well and that you are looking forward to great or at least good things for 2013.

For those that are suffering, hang in there.
That's all I can say.

That's it for now.

Have an awesome 2013.....or at least try to. 

Out!  :-)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Other People's Drama.....Ugh!!

Other people's drama is interesting and it makes for great conversation. But after reading this article, I asked myself.....why?  Why waste my time on other people's drama when I have personal issues I could be taking care of myself. Read through the article. Then read through it again. I'm sure the moire you read it, the more you will realize how correct Gotomer really is.  Enjoy!

Got drama? Which kind?

The checkout aisle of the grocery store was full of magazines. People, InTouch, US Weekly, Soap, and other assorted, or should I say “sordid” publications that can be summed up in three words, other people’s drama.

They all had similar themes: who got divorced, separated, engaged, married, or jilted. What celebrity is loving the other, beating the other, making love with the other, or killing the other. I looked at all the covers, smiled, and went about my business. But it got me thinking: What else is in the category of “other people’s drama” and what is the net effect – to you?

There are an endless number of “celebrity news” programs and crime shows on TV. Drivel about who did what to who. Watch them? Why? As if this wasn’t enough, there are soap operas, where the drama never ends – for 20 years. Watch them? Why? To see how someone else’s life turns out? Why not focus on YOUR life?

But wait! There’s more drama: News and interviews about what some dumb lying politician thinks, what some “expert” predicts will happen to the world, or what some dumber radio talk show host thinks. There are also some local TV news programs that features killing, bombings, fires, floods, kidnappings, the weather, politics, and other assorted drivel and drama that ROBS YOU of your time.

NOTE WELL: Business news is important. Especially when it pertains to your business and your economy.

But wait! There’s more drama: Reality shows. Enough said.

But wait! There’s more drama: Your neighbor’s drama, your friend’s drama, and your workplace drama could fill volumes… your volumes.

It dawned on me that if you just eliminated “other people’s drama” from your life, time management would no longer be an issue. Ever. You’d have 20 extra hours a week. Minimum. Maybe you could use that time to change your dorky voicemail, or build a website or blog, or something for YOU.

Other people’s drama is a complete and utter waste of your time, energy, and attitude. It does NOTHING to build your character, intelligence, knowledge, reputation, career, success, or wealth. Yikes!

Here are a few painful questions:

Do you spend more time on other people’s drama or your career?

Other people’s drama or your children?

Other people’s drama or building your personal brand?

Other people’s drama or your success?

Other people’s drama or your marriage? (ouch!)

IDEA: Put a stopwatch to it. Click it on when you’re watching or reading about other people’s drama, and click it off when you stop. Put the number into memory, and total it at the end of the day. Then multiply it times 365. Then divide by 60 (minutes in an hour) then divide it by 24 (hours in a day). Then look at the number in horror. That’s the number of DAYS you wasted focusing on other people’s drama.

An hour a day = 15 FULL, 24 hour days at the end of the year – a three-week (full 24 hour day) vacation’s worth of time, pissed away on what Brad and Angelina did, or what Lady Gaga is wearing, or how octo mom is surviving.

What about YOU? What are you doing? Let me give you an answer: not enough for yourself or your loved ones.

Where is your time being spent?

Where could it be invested?

Here are a few “time investment” ideas:

• If you gotta have some drama, create a Facebook page. Reunite with some old friends or relatives. It’s fun, and will teach you Internet skills, and social media skills.

• Register and start a website. Do the same for your children or grandchildren. The Internet is here to stay, why not master your presence on it?

• Read or listen to a self-help book. Attitude, creativity, service, and networking are all business skills you can improve, and are certainly more powerful for your earnings and your family than what’s happening to some drunken, drugged out celebrity in Hollywood, or some idiot trying for their 15 minutes of fame.

• Take a walk. Clear your mind to think for yourself, instead of cluttering it with useless information. BONUS: When you take a walk, you also get the local weather report. Just look up.

It’s easy to get caught in the drama time trap, but consider the rewards for ignoring it. Think of the time you’ll have for YOU.

CHALLENGE: Try ignoring drama for 30 days. Start working on yourself instead of flushing your time down the toilet focusing on other people. I promise you won’t miss anything. The same drama will be there should you decide to go back, and it won’t matter if you don’t.

There’s one more major AHA! about other people’s drama I’d like to share with you. To get it, go to and enter DRAMA in the GitBit box.

Jeffrey Gitomer is the author of The Little Red Book of Selling and eight other business books on sales, customer loyalty, and personal development. President of Charlotte-based Buy Gitomer, he gives seminars, runs annual sales meetings, and conducts Internet training programs on sales, customer loyalty, and personal development at Jeffrey conducts more than 100 personalized, customized seminars and keynotes a year. To find out more, visit Jeffrey can be reached at 704.333.1112 or by e-mail at

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