Friday, July 19, 2013

How Lucky I Am!

After a brief discussion about parents, children and grandchildren, one of my co-workers mentioned to me that I am so lucky to have my grandchildren live with my wife and I. Her parents, who live in a very northern state, hardly get to see their grandchild. After walking away, I let her comment sink in...really deep. Just the way she said it. Just the look on her face.

I have realized this before. But sometimes it takes another person to say it to really realize how lucky my wife and I are to have our grandchildren living with us.

My granddaughter is almost 9 years old. She has lived with us since she was 2 years old. Our two grandsons have lived with us since they were born. (7 and 5 years respectfully) We have seen them grow and blossom. We've been there for their first days of school. We've there for their school programs. We've been there to mend the scrapes and bruises. We've been there to comfort them. We've been there as they played sports, rode their bikes, made friends, wrote their names and even fallen asleep in our arms, so many times. In essence, our grandchildren are our children. We have helped raise them.

How lucky we are. How so very lucky!

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