Saturday, January 26, 2013

Random Thoughts on a Saturday

Why does life seem to go by so fast? How do we slow this phenomena?

Why are we full of energy on a Monday morning but dragging by physically, emotionally and spiritually at the end of the week?

If we complete more of our weekend tasks during the week, will the weekend "seem" longer?

Why are weather people so wrong about the weather?

Why waste time on movies in the middle of the night that have no redeeming value?

Why are there penalties if you stop a cell phone or cable plan? Does it really cost that much to "flip a switch"?

Why does eBay charge so much for posting items online?

Better yet, why does PayPal take such a serious cut of your earnings?

Why don't people eat dessert first more often when they go out for dinner?

Why do people come up with random questions instead of thoughts on a Saturday morning?

Have an awesome weekend!

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