Sunday, August 18, 2013

Who Are You?

Who are you and why are you reading my blog?  Where are you reading it from? What country? While at home or at work? Have I written anything that has touched you emotionally?

These are just some of the questions I have when I see how many people have read my blog. I'm always wondering why they read it and if they think I'm as good as a writer as I think I am. I really kind of doubt that but as the old adage goes, "Practice makes perfect." 

So, if and when you have an opportunity to write something after reading my blog, let me know what you think. Look at the opening queries and answer them if you'd like.

In other news.........

Summer is coming to an end!  Nooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I like summer! Why does it have to end so quickly? Unfortunately last week was unseasonably cool and at the beginning of this week, it's suppose to rain for a few days. We need the rain. The reservoirs need the rain. But I need the sun. I need the heat. I want the beach. I need the beach! Maybe I'll head there again soon. In the meantime, I'll keep saving my leave for that ultimate vacation. Ultimate vacation did I write? Yeah, the one that is going to cost me an arm and a leg....but then again, my wife and I seem to enjoy those vacations......a lot! 

As this week begins, I have few personal goals. I'm looking forward to hitting the road for a few miles here and there. I'm looking to complete one project at work and start another. I looking forward to a class I'm taking on Saturdays. Oh, I almost forgot. My sons and I will be attending a sporting event this weekend.  Preseason football is upon us!!

That's all for now.
Life is good.
No complaints.
Aloha my friends!  :-)

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