Friday, February 10, 2012

Ten Minutes of Twitter

It's a Friday night.
Some people do not like to cook on Fridays.
Instead, they'll pickup a pizza or some fried chicken.
Others will go out for thai or chinese food.
My wife brought home calzones.  Awesome!

In the time it took to go downstairs and eat one-quarter of a calzone with a hot cup of Jasmine tea and talk about the day's events, I had missed almost 200 tweets. I cannot tell you what they were all about because I ended up skipping them and coming back to the more current ones.

Oops......I did it again.  I just missed another 50 tweets while I helped my wife bring in some groceries. There is definitely too much stuff going on.  Do I really need to know all that is occuring at this precise moment?

With that stated, maybe it's time for me to start cleaning out the tweeters I follow, whether they be people or organizations. I think I'll spend some time this weekend slowly and methodically deleting those that I follow that are no longer interesting or worth my time and effort to read.  Who says I have to follow so many in the first place?

Quick update on the homefront........I'm still looking for a job.  If you're interested in getting a copy of my resume, send me an email or better yet, a tweet. Oh wait, I may not see it.

Have a great weekend!

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